Sunday, January 12, 2014

Round 2, Weeks 8, 9 & 10

December might not be the best month to do Insanity.  Weeks 8 and 9 didn't go so great and I blame the holidays. It is very hard to follow a diet when you are constantly being force fed Christmas cookies and New Years champagne.  There is also so much less time from trying to get ready for the holidays and actually celebrating them.  I know that I started my first round of Insanity during December and I managed to keep my diet and schedule under control but my life was pretty different in December 2012 when compared to December 2013. Despite all of this, I did manage to keep up on all of the Insanity workouts but did end up skipping a few running ones.

I started week 10 with a new resolve.  A new year and a new opportunity to get back into the swing of the program!  This started great until Friday and Saturday.  I woke up on Friday feeling totally wiped out.  All of my muscles were sore and I was just exhausted so I decided to post pone that workout.  I also skipped my workout on Saturday because I needed to watch the Seahawks beat the Saints.  This means that for the first time in this round, I am behind schedule.  There isn't enough time left to get caught up so I will have to make up those workouts after I finish weeks 11 and 12.

Speaking of 11 and 12, those are the final weeks!  That means that my next post will probably be the last for a while.  I have decided to hold off on posting it until I make up the workouts I missed and complete all the running workouts I skipped.  There are a lot of them.  So, you'll just have to tune in in a few weeks to see how this experiment turns out!