Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 61 - Max Interval Plyo (and Cardio Abs)

Oops.  For some reason I was certain that today was Max Cardio and Cardio Abs so I set my alarm early to get the Cardio Abs out of the way before work.  It wasn't until after the ab routine that I decided to actually check to see if that was the correct workout for today.  It was not.  Oh well, no blood no foul.  I ended up just mixing the workouts up a bit so I did Cardio Abs this morning and Max Interval Plyo in the afternoon.  That probably works out better since tomorrow is my day off and I have shit to do so the shorter the workout, the better.

Max Plyo wasn't the best workout of my life.  My right knee has been kind of bothering me all day, especially when descending stairs.  I did take notice and tried to compensate my landings today but I took one bad one during the switch jumps and it sure hurt.  I caught myself before anything bad happened and sat out the rest of that interval but that was alarming.  Hopefully it is nothing to worry about.  The rest of the workout was ho hum.  I'm mostly just trying to get through them at this point.  Two more days!

Tomorrow is Max Cardio Conditioning for real.


  1. I had my worst Max Plyo ever yesterday (day 61)...which was a shame since it was my favorite of all the month 2 workouts...I think I was too hungry, and I ran out of steam early. I sat out so much that I (gasp) fast forwarded parts.

    And...during the cool down stretch, when Shaun T says "I know you did better this time then last time", I had to disagree.

    Been loving the blog btw - I started reading along since the beginning.

    1. Thanks for reading and thanks for the comment! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I think at this point of Insanity you kind of realize why it's a 2 month program and not any longer. I really doubt I could have gone on any longer, especially not at the scheduled pace. Don't worry about having a bad day. They happen. Congrats on making it this far! The end is in sight!
