Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 63 - Fit Test and Final Results

I have such a feeling of accomplishment right now.  It's the same feeling I had when I finished the last of my final exams in college.  Just like a final exam,  the results are what matters, so here goes!

Well, it's nice to see positive change with all the moves.  The only one I did not improve in this time was the globe jumps.  That's fine.  It's such a long move that it really is hard to squeeze out any more reps.

I'm glad I don't have to do the fit test anymore.  I hate it.  I think it is the harder than any of the workouts since you can't really pace yourself.

Again, everything moved in the right direction.  I decided to add a tenth of an inch on to my biceps because I thought it would be funny.  I was a little disappointed with my weight loss because I came into the program expecting to have lost all the weight I needed to by the end.  Then I thought back to day one when I calculated my daily calorie requirements.  The number I came up with was the amount I would need to lose one pound per week.  That was almost the rate that I was losing, so I can't be too disappointed.  I'll continue to lose weight after Insanity, too.  Losing 9.5% of my body fat is pretty impressive, too.

We don't care about the numbers, though.  Here are the pics I promised:

I still have a ways to go but Insanity definitely gave me a jump start.  The end of Insanity feels like the beginning of the next phase of my life.  I am excited to continue on this healthy path and push myself to keep improving.

I'll be back tomorrow or sometime later this week for some final thoughts and what comes next.


  1. Nice job!

    I've been following along this whole time, and especially in those early days it was a good totally kicked my ass at the pushup jacks...I also started at 16, but ended up at 25!


    1. Way to finish! Most people don't make it to the end. Don't you just hate the fit test? It was a good way to see the progress but it killlllled me every time!

  2. Awesome job finishing! You got some serious results too! Ready for round 2 yet? I am starting round three soon and can't wait to focus more on the diet and pushing myself through every workout. Reading blogs like yours help me to know that it's supposed to be a hard workout and everybody struggles. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi, came across your blog. I'm doing Insanity too - 3 weeks in. I'm about the same stats as you so this is very encouraging to see and has given me a mental boost! thank you for posting your results. Darren
