Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's Next?

Insanity was a great experience.  It was the hardest physical thing I have ever done and also the most rewarding.  On top of that, it delivered the best results with losing weight and toning my body.  Even though I finished the program, I will continue to integrate the Insanity workouts into my new workout routines.  I still have a ways to go before I am satisfied with my workout results and it would be a pity to lose the work I have already put in.  I think doing Insanity less frequently and mixing it in with other physical activities will help me reach those goals without getting burned out or injured.

I now move into my next phase of training which will be a mix of running and Insanity.  I plan to run my next half marathon in April so I really need to start training.  I have created a program that is a mix between easy runs, long runs, Max Insanity workouts and routines from the first month.  After I put the program on paper I laughed at how ridiculous it is so I might have to change it if it proves to be too much.  It's a work in progress!  This blog doesn't seem appropriate for this type of program so I have created a new one that you can find here.  I won't update it as frequently as I did with this blog because it was a huge time sink and a pain in the ass.

Finally, I will share some things that I am proud of and things I would change about my first round of Insanity.  I am proud that I was able to do the entire program without skipping any days or modifying the schedule too much.  It was tough and involved a few 3:00 AM workouts but I was committed.  I am also proud that I was able to post an update on this blog every day for the past 2 months.  I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore!  I am happy with my results even though I am not quite satisfied yet.  If I could go back and talk to pre-Insanity me I would definitely tell myself to get some push-ups and triceps dips in before I start!  My lack of upper body strength really held me back for a lot of the program.  I would also tell myself to put the plug in the jug!  I had a few workouts done while hungover and that is almost a waste of time.  Alcohol also has a ton of calories and makes me want to eat really shitty food so that probably hindered some of my weight loss.  Of course I probably wouldn't have started on the first week of December if I had the choice.  That probably would have cut out some of the booze since Christmas and New Years always involves liquor and unhealthy food.  Oh well.  I am a regular guy and do things that regular guys do.

Well, that's about it.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have benefited some from my experience!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dan, congratulations on completing Insanity, and in particular for not missing a single workout, that´s so impressive! Thanks for your blog, it´s been a really interesting read. I first did Insanity almost 2 years ago, and I have now realised that at the end of that first round my fitness peaked, and it has simply gone downhill since then. I am now planning a workout regime which I hope will get me back up to the level where I can start Insanity again (right now I wouldn´t even be able to get through a warmup from Insanity!). Your blog has given me real motivation and reminded of the sense of accomplishment I felt after completing each workout.
    Thanks again! Jenny
