Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's Next?

Insanity was a great experience.  It was the hardest physical thing I have ever done and also the most rewarding.  On top of that, it delivered the best results with losing weight and toning my body.  Even though I finished the program, I will continue to integrate the Insanity workouts into my new workout routines.  I still have a ways to go before I am satisfied with my workout results and it would be a pity to lose the work I have already put in.  I think doing Insanity less frequently and mixing it in with other physical activities will help me reach those goals without getting burned out or injured.

I now move into my next phase of training which will be a mix of running and Insanity.  I plan to run my next half marathon in April so I really need to start training.  I have created a program that is a mix between easy runs, long runs, Max Insanity workouts and routines from the first month.  After I put the program on paper I laughed at how ridiculous it is so I might have to change it if it proves to be too much.  It's a work in progress!  This blog doesn't seem appropriate for this type of program so I have created a new one that you can find here.  I won't update it as frequently as I did with this blog because it was a huge time sink and a pain in the ass.

Finally, I will share some things that I am proud of and things I would change about my first round of Insanity.  I am proud that I was able to do the entire program without skipping any days or modifying the schedule too much.  It was tough and involved a few 3:00 AM workouts but I was committed.  I am also proud that I was able to post an update on this blog every day for the past 2 months.  I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore!  I am happy with my results even though I am not quite satisfied yet.  If I could go back and talk to pre-Insanity me I would definitely tell myself to get some push-ups and triceps dips in before I start!  My lack of upper body strength really held me back for a lot of the program.  I would also tell myself to put the plug in the jug!  I had a few workouts done while hungover and that is almost a waste of time.  Alcohol also has a ton of calories and makes me want to eat really shitty food so that probably hindered some of my weight loss.  Of course I probably wouldn't have started on the first week of December if I had the choice.  That probably would have cut out some of the booze since Christmas and New Years always involves liquor and unhealthy food.  Oh well.  I am a regular guy and do things that regular guys do.

Well, that's about it.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have benefited some from my experience!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 63 - Fit Test and Final Results

I have such a feeling of accomplishment right now.  It's the same feeling I had when I finished the last of my final exams in college.  Just like a final exam,  the results are what matters, so here goes!

Well, it's nice to see positive change with all the moves.  The only one I did not improve in this time was the globe jumps.  That's fine.  It's such a long move that it really is hard to squeeze out any more reps.

I'm glad I don't have to do the fit test anymore.  I hate it.  I think it is the harder than any of the workouts since you can't really pace yourself.

Again, everything moved in the right direction.  I decided to add a tenth of an inch on to my biceps because I thought it would be funny.  I was a little disappointed with my weight loss because I came into the program expecting to have lost all the weight I needed to by the end.  Then I thought back to day one when I calculated my daily calorie requirements.  The number I came up with was the amount I would need to lose one pound per week.  That was almost the rate that I was losing, so I can't be too disappointed.  I'll continue to lose weight after Insanity, too.  Losing 9.5% of my body fat is pretty impressive, too.

We don't care about the numbers, though.  Here are the pics I promised:

I still have a ways to go but Insanity definitely gave me a jump start.  The end of Insanity feels like the beginning of the next phase of my life.  I am excited to continue on this healthy path and push myself to keep improving.

I'll be back tomorrow or sometime later this week for some final thoughts and what comes next.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 62 - Max Cardio Conditioning

Here we are at the final workout of Insanity.  It is amazing how far I've come from the day-one-almost-vomit-inducing-fit test.  Today's workout wasn't the best but that's alright.  My knee was still aching a little but felt a lot better.  I found myself getting fatigued faster than normal.  I'm blaming that on working out in the morning and staying up too late last night, as well as general Insanity burnout.  Even though this was the last workout, I'm not completely across the finish line yet.  I still have my final fit test tomorrow.  How perfect that it is on Super Bowl Sunday.  I'm going to reward myself with pizza and lots of beer while I watch the game.  I'm getting ahead of myself.  Anyway, I'll also post my final weigh in, measurements and some before and after pics.

Tomorrow: Fit Test

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 61 - Max Interval Plyo (and Cardio Abs)

Oops.  For some reason I was certain that today was Max Cardio and Cardio Abs so I set my alarm early to get the Cardio Abs out of the way before work.  It wasn't until after the ab routine that I decided to actually check to see if that was the correct workout for today.  It was not.  Oh well, no blood no foul.  I ended up just mixing the workouts up a bit so I did Cardio Abs this morning and Max Interval Plyo in the afternoon.  That probably works out better since tomorrow is my day off and I have shit to do so the shorter the workout, the better.

Max Plyo wasn't the best workout of my life.  My right knee has been kind of bothering me all day, especially when descending stairs.  I did take notice and tried to compensate my landings today but I took one bad one during the switch jumps and it sure hurt.  I caught myself before anything bad happened and sat out the rest of that interval but that was alarming.  Hopefully it is nothing to worry about.  The rest of the workout was ho hum.  I'm mostly just trying to get through them at this point.  Two more days!

Tomorrow is Max Cardio Conditioning for real.