Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 31 - Core Cardio and Balance

Even after a month of doing this, I am still learning some very basic things.  The hip flexor stretch during the warm up and cool down stretching never seemed to do much for me.  Today I figured out that my back leg wasn't far enough back.  Fixing that stretches the ol' hip flexor nice!  The hip flexor has it's own website.  Learn all about it!

Anyway, third time is the charm I guess.  Core Cardio and Balance went much better today.  I imagine it has something to do with getting enough calories in my gut.  I always eat better on work days since I have breakfast before work, a big snack during my morning break and then lunch.  I usually sleep through one or two of those meals on my days off.  Tsk tsk tsk.  I also seem to burn less calories each day.  I think my metabolism was probably going a tad haywire from my indiscretions over the weekend and my body is working more efficiently as I detox.

The recovery week is starting to feel a little tedious.  The sun was shining today and I would have much rather gone on a run but as I've said before, I'm sticking to the schedule for my first round of Insanity.  I do think the recovery week would have been very beneficial as a pre-Insanity week before month one to give an introduction of sorts to some of the moves you'll be repeating a billion times over.

Tomorrow! Core Cardio and Balance!  Again!

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