Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 32 - Core Cardio and Balance

Wow, what a difference a few days makes.  I was feeling pretty good today so I actually pushed it when Shaun T. said I could if I wanted to.  I was even able to do the entire Shoulder Burners routine without stopping.  I didn't think that would be possible on Monday when I did this workout for the first time.  I doubt I'll ever be able to do the entire Hip Flexor Burner routine in its entirety but I think that went better as well.  My ankles were a little achy yesterday and today so I'll have to pay attention to that.  I'm hoping it's just the weather because it would really suck to get injured this far in.  Two more days of Core Cardio and Balance are left. I am missing the variety and intensity of a regular workout but I'm sure I'll miss recovery week when Monday comes around.

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