Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 45 - Max Interval Plyo

Hey friends, look what Shaun T. tweeted this morning:

That made me smile because I'm pretty sure I said the exact same thing a few blogs ago.  It's true, too.  I'm sure there are some people that can go full throttle through an entire workout.  I even saw a YouTube video of some psychopath doing the workout while wearing a weight suit.  No thank you!  I doubt I'll ever be able to get through the entire workout without a ton of breaks, but that's okay.  If I'm giving it my all and seeing results, then that is good enough for me.  Besides, I said from the get go that I am doing this more to improve my running and not so much to become an Insanity god.

Today's workout was Max Interval Plyo again.  I'm pretty sure I showed improvement, but I honestly can't remember how the last time went.  I suppose I could read my previous blog post on the subject but that would require some mouse clicks and my arms are tired from the workout.  So many push ups!  Speaking of, the main area that I know I improved is with the push ups, especially during the Level-3 drills.  I still have to sit half of them out but the first 16 were my strongest push ups ever!  Sometimes I do worry that my form might be off for a lot of the moves.  Shaun T. often mentions I should be feeling this in my butt or in my calf muscles or some other group, but it seems like my quads are the only muscle group that ever really feels the burn.  I don't know if that's a form issue or just a weak ass calf issue.

Now on to nutrition.  Yesterday I decided to do something that I should have done at the beginning: eat a ton of protein. I always have a protein shake after the workout but my daily protein still wasn't as high as it should be.  I was at Costco yesterday to replenish my protein shake supply when I saw the same company made some protein bars that have 30 grams of protein a pop.  I picked up a box.  Those along with the shakes bring me up to 60 grams of protein a day.  I read somewhere that you are supposed to eat one gram of protein for each pound you weigh.  I'll try that.

Tomorrow is Thursday which means round two of Max Recovery!  We'll see if I still find it tolerable...

1 comment:

  1. I know you are done now, but chicken is a great way to get protein. I haven't started Insanity yet, but have been eating chicken breasy everyday for a few weeks now, along with a 20g protein bar, and a few 10g protein bars during the day. Greek yogurt is good too. I can usually get 110g+ without thinking too hard about it.

    I LOVE fajitas, so I have basically been making chicken fajitas, but just eating meat/veggies. SO good, and I don't think I can get tired of it.
