Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 43- Max Cardio Conditioning

Hey dudes.  I came very close to skipping today.  I stayed up too late last night watching "Let's Play..." videos on YouTube because I am and IDIOT and a nerd.  So, I was tired all day and it has really thrown me off.  I'm glad I decided to do the workout.  It would suck to miss a workout when I've done the routine so perfectly so far.  I didn't really push that hard because I wasn't feeling great but I still managed to burn almost 700 calories.  It really goes to show how you must be committed to the program in all aspects of life, including sleep.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  The cardio workouts (pure cardio and this one) are my favorite.  I like that I can take a break if one of the moves is kicking my ass and then go right in to the next one.  The variety also helps the time go by faster.  In the other workouts I often catch myself thinking, "Ugh!  Two more sets to go!" but the cardio ones are one move after another.  The end arrives before I think about it!

I'm off from work tomorrow so I can sleep in and catch up on my zzzzzzs.  I don't know what tomorrow's workout is. The calendar is wayyyy over there and I have two dogs on my lap right now.  I can tell you this much:  it is MAX something.  Oh, and say, "Hi!" in the comments.  It'd be nice to know if anybody is actually reading this.


  1. Hi! I have been read all your posts up to this one. I ordered Insanity and should be starting next week! I've really enjoyed reading your posts. They actually make me more excited and give me hope that this is in fact an achievable goal! But they scare me a bit too! Well on to the next day!

    1. Hello! I know exactly how you feel. I was very excited to start the program during the week leading up to it because I don't think I was quite prepared for how hard it would actually be. The first week sure was a wake up call! You'll do fine as long as you do your best, don't get discouraged and always plan when your next day's workout will occur. Thanks for reading and your comment! Good luck!

  2. Hey, reading in the UK as just moved into month 2 of Insanity and wanted to see if I was the only one that felt like I was being kicked in the nuts despite doing Month 1 religiously.

    Nice to know I'm not alone! :-)

  3. hi. i'm reading from uk, good luck with round 2 by the way. i'm currently on my recovery week of insanity. i'm hooked.
