Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 55 - Core Cardio and Balance

This was just what I needed.  I'm glad that this workout is thrown in a few times in the second month because you really do need a break.  I woke up this morning completely exhausted.  If I had a full Max workout today I doubt I could have done it.  I feel good now and I have a rest day tomorrow so I ought to be all recovered going into the last week!  I did look ahead to see what I have to look forward to and it does look tough but I noticed that the Max Recovery is replaced with Core Cardio and Balance.  This I like!  I said that I liked Max Recovery but that was just when compared to Cardio Recovery.  Honestly, I doubt I'll ever do either of the Recoveries again.

Tomorrow is my rest day.  I'll be at work for half of it so it won't be as restful as I'd like.  Ciao!

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