Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 52 - Cardio Abs and Max Cardio Conditioning

I had a meeting at work that went long. Between that and getting home I had problem after problem after problem.  It all resulted in me being short on time as I write this so I'm going to keep it short.  I did Cardio Abs.  It went well.  I did Max Cardio Conditioning.  It went okay.

I kind of zoned out at the beginning of Max Cardio Conditioning.  I'm heading in to the home stretch of Insanity and I caught my mind wandering as it tried to come up with different workout schedules to follow in the future.  I don't mind that the second month workouts are longer.  I would be surprised if they weren't.  However, these double headers (Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit and Cardio Abs & Max Cardio Cond.) are really eating into my free time.  I came into the program knowing that it would be a commitment but days like today go something like: wake up, work, work out, eat dinner and go to bed.  Doesn't leave much time for me to enjoy life.  This was supposed to be a short write up!  What it comes down to is that I am looking forward to finishing my first round of Insanity because I won't be so bound by the workout schedule as I'll be okay adjusting and tweaking it to fit my life.

Aaaaannnndddd tomorrow we are back for a much needed Max Recovery.  I have been sore all week so hopefully this will loosen me up a bit.

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