Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 49 - Rest Day (kind of)

I have actually never seen an Insanity infomercial before.  I know they exist because whenever I tell someone that I am doing the program they know exactly what I'm talking about because they have watched it.  Apparently it is on constantly.  Well, I was flipping through the channels as I finished my beer late last night and came across the second half of the infomercial.  I was a little disappointed in it.  I know that it was just following all the typical infomercial cliches but Insanity is such a great program that it seems like it could sell itself just from word of mouth.  I doubt I would have been convinced to purchase it based on the silliness I saw last night and the only reason I did get the program is from doing a lot of research on my own.  I should have taken notes while watching it so I could comment on the problems I had with it.  I'll try to go by memory.  First, it said, "Order in the next 10 minutes to receive these free gifts!"  I know that is what all infomercials say but the free gifts were the recovery DVD, the wall calendar, the fitness guide (which is a useless brochure) and the nutrition guide.  Those are all (with the exception of the fitness guide) essential parts of the program are included wherever and whenever you buy it.  Next was when they said you had a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk.  That's cool but the announcer said you can decide if it is too intense for you in such a mocking tone that it seemed he was trying to shame you into keeping it even if you can't do it.  I feel they should emphasize that you should be in good shape to begin with before you buy it but you can return it if your fitness isn't at the right level yet.  Besides, there are other reasons  someone might not be able to do the program like illness or injury.  It is very hard on the joints after all.  The finally problem is also my biggest gripe.  The success stories they had have people losing 40+ pounds and being completely ripped after the program.  While these could be true stories, they are very deceptive.  I was thinking: WTF?!  I've only lost like 5 pounds and I'm over 3/4 through the program.  I paid more attention and realized that the infomercial failed to say what time frame the weight loss and muscle growth occurred from. The results shown aren't from day 0 to 63 and one of the people even had "after 3 rounds" listed below the results.  That is half a year of Insanity!  Anyway, bitching complete.

Today was my Rest day but I decided to do a non-Insanity workout because I felt I needed it.  I pulled out the good ol' stationary bike and spent 35 minutes on that.  I'm glad I did.  It was a no impact workout and I feel much better having done it.  Maybe I'll do that again for my next (and final!) rest day.

Tomorrow is another Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit.  I'm not going to try to pull of doing them back to back again so I'll get up early and do the Fit Test before work and the main workout after.  Doing the Fit Test in the morning might hurt my results but I don't care enough about them to let it stop me.

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