Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 30 - Core Cardio and Balance

Happy New Year!  My first workout of 2013 went much better than the last one of 2012.  Not being hungover helps.  Today's workout still wasn't the best because my nutrition has been pretty crappy for the past few days but it is recovery week and I have four more days to really get this workout down.  Plus, life should be getting back to normal so I'll be able to get back in to my routine and get back on track.

As I mentioned yesterday, Core Cardio and Balance is much more laid back than other Insanity workouts.  It is still a decent workout but not nearly as strenuous as the regular ones.  I still managed to burn over 400 calories.  The entire workout is broken up into a few parts.  It starts with a warm up that consists of Switch Heel Kicks (kind of like jump roping), Mummy Kicks, Football Shuffles, Log Jumps (sprint in place and then jump like a log is rolling under you), High Knees/Power Jacks, and fast Fast Feet/Hooks.  I think each one last for a minute.  After the warm up is some light stretching, followed by the cardio portion.  This consists of Moving Ski Jumps, Hit the Floor, Level 1 Drills, Heisman's, Switch Kicks/Hop Squats, High Jumps, Moving Plank Walks, Elbow Jabs/Suicide Drills, 4 and 4 Hops and Jab Punches/Jump Squats.  Writing all those down makes it seem like a lot but it's really not so bad and I like the variety.  Next is the Balance portion.  This is tough and I feel sorry for the people on the DVD who aren't able to take as many breaks as me since Shaun T. is always right by them.  I think he calls these moves Hip Burners and Shoulder Burners.  Emphasis on BURN.

I don't have a transition to this paragraph.  At the New Years Eve party last night I found out that my friend has been doing Insanity for quite some time and really loves it.  He gave me some advice and shared some of his experiences with the program.  It is nice talking about it with someone because it is such a difficult program.

Tomorrow is day 3 of the rest week!

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