Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 50 - Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit

I am extremely happy with my results today, so lets not dillydally and get right in to it!

Remember how I said I doubted I'd be able to get anymore Switch Kicks in that minute duration?  I blew all my previous tests out of the water!  Maybe getting up early to do the Fit Test was a good thing and I was in the zone or something.  Power Jacks, Power Jumps and Low Plank Obliques are all equally as impressive.  I didn't include Power Knees in the previous sentence because I think my form kind of sucks and it's really hard to count that one because it is so fast.  Oh well.  I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.  Suicide Jumps following the Globe Jumps is still a bitch and my arms were very near useless after doing the Push-Up Jacks but all and all I am very encouraged by these results.

Now for my measurements:

As you can see, everything is moving in the right direction.  Everything other than the biceps, that is.  I don't care about biceps so I'm cool with it.  I was shocked by my weight loss.  The decrease nearly doubled since the last Fit Test.  I don't think my waist and hips will really shrink much more in the next two weeks.  Most of the fat I need to lose is in the love handles and it tends to fall the the area between the waist and hips.  I do have some fat still stored in my boobs so I am expecting more of a decrease in my chest in the future.  I'm looking forward to that because my suits will fit better!

I was starting to get a little discouraged with the program and these results are exactly what I needed.  I think most of it can be attributed to the increase intensity of the second month workouts.  They are painful but they seem to do the trick.

Oh, the Max Interval Circuit went very well also.  I was dead by the last rotation but it was the strongest I've been able to do that workout so far.

Tomorrow is Max Interval Plyo.  Hopefully it doesn't knock me off my pink cloud!

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