Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 58 - Cardio Abs and Max Cardio Conditioning

I am so glad that I am in the last week of Insanity.  I'm starting to feeling majorly burned out and am in need of a break.  I woke up this morning and did not want to do this workout.  I am so close to the end and I can't mess up now so I reluctantly started it to get it over with.  Cardio Abs went fine.  I can tell that I am improving each time I do it.  I can stick with most of the workout without any breaks until I get to the plank work at the end.  I still struggle with that but am getting better.  Max Cardio Conditioning was tough.  This could be because I am still doing them back to back but my schedule hasn't really allowed me to split them up.  I did my best and was completely exhausted and drenched in sweat by the end.

Following my workout, I had some breakfast, showered and went to my biometric screening.  Here are my results:

  • Total Cholesteral of 156 (<200 desirable)
  • LDL Cholesterol of 84 (<100 optimal)
  • HDL Cholesterol of 51 (40-59 okay but higher is better)
  • Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio of 3.1 (<3.5 optimal)
  • Blood Pressure 133/78 (<120/80 normal)
  • BMI of 24 (that is normal)
  • Random Glucose of 80 (70-139 normal)
As you can see most of the numbers are good.  My BP is high, but it always is.  That's actually quite the improvement over the last one.  I get the "white coat syndrome" and I think that always falsely elevates it.  I am happy with these results, especially since it was a biometric screen a few years ago that got me in to working out and eating right in the first place.

Tomorrow is Max Interval Circuit for the last time of this round of Insanity.  I'll do my best to give it my all!  I'm going to do my taxes now.  I can't wait to blow my refund on a bunch of crap and maybe some new running shoes.


  1. Thanks for posting this! I am about to start this workout and blog about it to. Your posts helped me get a better idea of what to expect. if you want to check out my blog it is at ainsanitychallenge.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks for the comment! Good luck with Insanity. It is hard but so worth it!
