Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 56 - Rest Day

I am at work right now so I'm not getting a ton of resting done (or work done for that matter).  I'm also using a work computer that really sucks so I'm hoping this post actually goes up.

Last week I mentioned that I might start using my exercise bike on all my rest days but I decided not to today and make it a true rest day.  Next week is the final week of my first round of Insanity and I plan to give it my all so it would probably be wise to let my body fully recover.  Instead of excercising I will be playing Journey on my Playstation 3.  It is the prettiest and most relaxing video game I've ever played.  Check it out!

I work the swing (shit) shift tomorrow at work so I'm going to have to work out in the morning.  I guess the silver lining is that I'll still be sleeping in for a little bit.

I'm not sure what tomorrow's workout is but I'm guessing Max Plyo.  Unless my memory really sucks, I don't think I've done that one in a while.

Also, the web browser on this computer hasn't been updated for many years so the spell check doesn't work.  Forgive any misspellings, pleese.

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