Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 51 - Max Interval Plyo

I woke up this morning sore in many places.  That is a good thing.  I knew I pushed myself harder than normal yesterday and the aching muscles is proof.

Today was Max Interval Plyo again.  This one really kicks my ass.  I think there is some variation on push-ups in every circuit and push-ups being my Achilles heel has been well established in previous blogs.  Lots of squats, too.  Then there is the Squat Push-Up that combines the worst two things in the world.  This all results in many many many breaks throughout.  I think by the end of each circuit I am only working half the time.  I would pat myself on the back for doing 8 Power Jumps when Shaun T. tells me to do 8 if I had any energy left to raise my arms.  Despite all this complaining, I gave it my all and had a good workout.  I have the pool of sweat to prove it!  Oh, and I love how Shaun T. says "You did a mayazeeeeeen" during the cool down stretch.  Thanks, Shaun.  I really did.

Back tomorrow with some Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs.  I had planned to start doing Cardio Abs before work but I've got the early shift tomorrow and I doubt I'll be able to drag my buttocks out of bed earlier than I need to.

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