Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 34 - Core Cardio and Balance

Well, Recovery Week, its been fun but it is time I bid you adieu. The workout went exactly the same as the last ones but I burned over 100 more calories.  I'm guessing that since today is my day off from work, I did the workout at a different time of day and it threw off my internal circuitry.  I definitely did not work any harder.  In fact, if anything, I put in a lot less effort.

I had a lot of plans for the rest of my day including seeing the King Tut exhibit in Seattle (sold out), seeing Django Unchained (too lazy) and checking our a new retro barcade that opened in the town I live in (don't want booze and again, too lazy).  Instead I will take a healthy chunk out of season one of Homeland and try to talk myself in to binge eating tomorrow for the last rest day before month two begins...

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