Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 44 - Max Interval Circuit (full overview)

For me, Max Interval Circuit is the most difficult workout of insanity.  I don't know if it is just the moves Shaun T. has us doing or if it is because it is the longest.  It is nice to push myself so hard but I doubt I'd be able to stick with the program if every workout was like this one.  I haven't been able to do a full write up of Max Interval Circuit because of time constraints on the previous days that I've done it.  I am off work today so here goes!

Warm up and stretching are mostly the same as the other Max workouts so I won't go into them.  They do get the heart pumping, though.  I think my heart rate got up to 160ish which is the top of my "in the zone" range.

The first routine consisted of: pedal/power lunges, Ski Abs/Push Up Jacks/In & Out Abs/Oblique Push Ups, Power Strike, and Frog Jumps.  I think Power Strikes was the only new exercise so I linked a video.  The guy isn't do them quite right but I couldn't find anything better.  Ski Abs/Push Up Jacks/ In and Out Abs is a combination of all those moves one after another for four counts.  I could only do one rep of that each time.  I really hate Frog Jumps.  Like usual, this is repeated three times.  After the third time, Shaun T. throws in Football Runs/Cross Jacks to top off the routine.  This is kind of an odd exercise but it does offer a little recovery to get read for the next routine.

Next up we have Hook Jumps, High Knees with a Twist, High-Low Jabs with Squat and Floor Switch Kicks.  High knees with a twist is the regular High Knee runs but you twist your upper torso and bring your elbows towards your knees to work the obliques.  The only completely new move was the Floor Switch Kicks.  This has always been pretty frustrating for me because my triceps are still very weak and they want to give out after like 2 kicks.  I finally realized today that if I move my hands out a little it eases some of the strain on them so I was able to get something out of the move today.  After the third set, 1-2-3 Jab Across is added for good measure.  I couldn't find a video for that but it is similar to the Heisman 1-2-3's just slower and with a jab at each side.  Shaun T. says it should be easy and our heart rates should come down a little but mine never really did.

The final routine contains the moves: Side Suicide Jumps, Squat Hooks, Full Body Drill and Plank Punches.  Side Suicides are tough but Shaun T. emphasizes form over speed.  I was definitely not going fast with them.  The Full Body Drills require a lot of floor space.  While doing some of the wide runs I kicked the TV tray that held my water and made a mess.  I wasn't happy about that.  Those are also very tough.  I was only able to do about 2 with each interval.  My sweat band was completely saturated by the time we go to Plank Punches so I had to throw a towel on the ground under my face because so much sweat was dripping off of me.  After three rounds of these, we are done and finish up with a short cool down stretch.

I burned 850 calories with this workout today.  Not bad and it means I get to pig out for the rest of the day. Speaking of which, my burrito is done cooking.  Lunch time!

Tomorrow we return to Max Interval Plyo.

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