Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 29 - Core Cardio and Balance

Have I ever mentioned that I'm an idiot?  My friend's going away party was the other night and I had two too many Irish car bombs and ended up with a skull splitting hangover yesterday.  It was my rest day so it didn't matter but instead of drinking lots of water and cuddling with my dogs, I had some beer as I watched the Seahawks game.  That successfully pushed my hangover to today.  I thought I was going to have to take a mulligan with today's workout but I decided to go ahead and attempt it.  It went okay.  Today was the first day of the rest week.  While it is not easy, it had a more laid back pacing compared with the other workouts.  I'll go more into what the workout entails in a future update.  I'm too tired to right now.

I have a New Years Eve party to go to tonight.  I will not be drinking any alcohol!  (Okay, maybe a little champagne...)

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