Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery

Hola!  The company Christmas party I went to last night was in Ballard.  If you are not familiar with Seattle, Ballard is a neighborhood in the northwest part of the city.  Seattleites will find any opportunity they can to rave about how much they love it.  I live in the suburbs and do not share this sentiment.  It is a bitch to get to, parking sucks and as far as I can tell, it really has nothing to offer that you can't find in a more accessible neighborhood (other than my friend's restaurant that you should totally go to if you find yourself in the area).  Anyway, aside from it taking 20 minutes to get there from I5 and another 10 minutes to find parking, the party was pretty enjoyable.  However, Xmas parties and fitness programs are like oil and water.  I will not refuse a $9 Manhattan and a big IPA that I do not have to pay for.  I will not refuse buffalo chicken wings that I do not have to pay for.  I will not refuse fried pickles that I do not have to pay for.  Needless to say, I went way over my caloric limit for the day.  Now I am faced with a dilemma.  Do I shave off some calories each day for the rest of the week or do I just consider last night a mulligan?

One thing is for sure: I did not burn off the extra calories with today's workout.  While it is still a workout there really isn't any cardio.  I really hated this one the first time I did it but today I felt much better and much stronger.  Progress!  I'm sure by the time I am actually comfortable with it I'll be switch to the second month start back at square one.  Such pessimism!

Tomorrow: Cardio Power & Resistance

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