Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 12 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Sometimes when I have some free time at work I'll do a little more Insanity research on the net and I'm always drawn to before and after pictures.  It probably isn't a good idea to do that at work because it would be kind of difficult to explain why I'm looking at scantily clad people flexing their muscles should my boss happen to walk up behind me.  I find myself drawn to these pictures, though.  I guess to give me inspiration to keep going with this insane incredibly difficult program.  However, sometimes I come across a before and after pic in which the person looks EXACTLY the same.  Does that mean they didn't work hard enough, didn't eat right or didn't really need a change?  I do not know, but it gives me a lingering fear that I will suffer a similar fate.  I guess that is its own kind of motivation.  Anyway, I did take some before pics and I will take some after pics.  You just have to wait for them!

I wrote the above paragraph a few days ago.  It's hard to come up with a topic to discuss each day so I have to get them down when I think of them.  I actually noticed quite a difference in the mirror this morning and my weight was slightly lower this morning for the first time since I started Insanity.  It's good to see results and I'm excited to see how much more I'll change since I'm not even two weeks in yet.

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance.  I think it went pretty well.  I was able to get through all of the warm up without taking any small pauses for the first time.  I think that's from a combination of knowing how to pace myself better and being in better shape.  I still can't do the triceps dips properly at the end of the first circuit but I'm cool with that.  I can still feel the burn by doing a modified dip.  I have no problem with the triceps ball push ups, though.  Interesting...  The second circuit is still a beast.  I actually get a bit of a break doing the hurdle jumps since they are more cardio and less power.  I think I'm getting better at the globe jumps but I suppose I'll know for sure on Monday when I do my second fit test.  I don't know what it is with the moving push ups, but I do horrible on the first set, better on the second and best on the third.  I was pretty well spent by the time I got to the hop squats/pushups that cap off the second circuit.  I tried to do regular push ups but my abs were on fire so I had to do the modified knee-to-the-ground push ups.  Still, I am satisfied with today's workout.

I was pretty surprised when my HRM said I burned 540.  I thought it'd be more since the last time I did this workout I was at about 600, but then again, what is 60 calories?  66% of a stick of string cheese?  I should probably quit focusing on my calories burned as an indicator of the quality of a workout, especially since it's just an estimate.  Also, I don't pause it during the stretching and I think my recovery has gotten faster so that could be throwing it off.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow one bit.  Pure Cardio AND Cardio Abs. Craaaaaaap.

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