Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 23 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Have you ever tried Kashi Go Lean cereal?  I've been having it for breakfast every morning since the start of Insanity because it has "as much protein as an egg".  It also taste fine but it has a side effect they should really mention.  I could seriously heat my home with the amount of gas coming out of me.  It smells terrible, too.  That's fine with me but I'm sure my coworkers are getting sick of it.  I try to hold them until I'm alone, but invariably someone will walk in a few seconds after I let it loose.  It never fails.  I should probably find something else for breakfast...  TMI?

I've bitched a lot about how much I hate Cardio Power & Resistance so I should be rejoicing right now since it is the last time I will do it during this round of Insanity.  It is kind of bittersweet, though.  While I had a huge improvement from the first time, I still didn't master it so I feel a little defeated.  Anyway, like I said, I had a huge improvement and I was actually happy with the workout I did.  My triceps are still weak but I was able to do most of the push-ups and other plank position moves.  I'm sure whatever equivalent workout there is during month two will be even worse so I should enjoy the power and resistance break I will get.

Tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

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