Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 15 - Fit Test #2

I was a little weary going in to the second fit test because I was worried that I wouldn't improve and that all the work I've put in over the last two weeks would be for naught.  I had nothing to worry about.  Lets just get into the numbers.

Move Day 1 Day 15 Day 36 Day 50 Day 63 Change
Switch Kicks 62 65 +3
Power Jacks 38 51 +13
Power Knees 70 102 +32
Power Jumps 23 37 +14
Globe Jumps 7 9 +2
Suicide Jumps 11 16 +5
Push-Up Jacks 16 22 +6
Low Plank Obliques 37 47 +10

As you can see I had improvements in all of the moves, though some are much greater than others.  The switch kicks could have been a larger increase but I caught myself in "pace yourself" mode that I've been doing to get through all the regular workouts.  About halfway through the minute I remembered that I'm supposed to be going for speed.  I could have done them over but I don't care enough.  I am satisfied as long as there is some improvement.  I was going full throttle for the second half of the switch kicks and all of the power jacks and power knees.  It wasn't until the power jumps that I needed a break.  Even still, 14 more of those is huge.  The increase in globe jumps doesn't look that impressive but keep in mind that 2 more reps is equal to 8 more jumps.  Same goes for for suicide jumps since each rep is down, back, forward jump.  The biggest thing holding me back for the push-up jacks and low plank obliques was my abs.  I think I pull an ab muscle or something during a workout last week and it is causing discomfort while in the plank position.  Also, I forgot to protect my elbows again during the low plank obliques so I've got a rug burn to the bone.  All in all I am very happy with my results.  Going forward, I don't think the changes will be quite as substantial but as long as I show improvement, I'll be happy.

One sign of progress that you can't measure is how I felt after I was finished.  After the first one I thought I was going to barf and/or pass out.  Today I feel like I could go on and do another workout.

Now for my measurements

Day 0 Day 15 Day 36 Day 50 Day 63 Change
Chest 41 39.5 -0.5
Waist 38 36.5 -1.5
Hips 36.75 36 -0.75
Biceps 12 12 0
Weight 176.9 174.4 -2.5
BMI 25.4 25 -0.4
%Body Fat 27.6 24.5 -3.1

Some of the lost weight is just water, which I was expecting, so it's nice to see the loss of inches in my hips and waist and boobs chest.  My BMI is still considered overweight but it is at the very low end so next time I post my measurements I'm expecting to be in my normal range.

That's all for today.  I've got another early morning workout tomorrow with Plyometric Cardio Circuit!

1 comment:

  1. "rug burn to the bone" OUCH!

    1.5" lost around your waist in 2 weeks?!?! Holy crap, Marie!! That is awesome.
