Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 21 -Rest (plus Cardio Abs)

Oh man, those rug burns I got during the last fit test are itching like crazy!  I wore a short sleeve shirt to work today and I wouldn't be surprised if my coworkers thought I had some skin disease on my elbows.

Today is supposed to be a rest day but as I mentioned in my last post, I decided to do Cardio abs today instead of doing them tomorrow with Pure Cardio.  I think it was the right choice.  I was able to do a majority of the workout which is a huge improvement over the last time I did it.  I am thinking it's because my muscles aren't already shot from doing Pure Cardio before it.  In the future I would like to do Cardio Abs in the morning and the other workout after work but that depends on my schedule.  If it doesn't work out then I'll continue to do Cardio Abs on Sundays.

Now that I'm done with work and my workout I will start my resting.  I could watch the Seahawks game.  I don't really want to spend the whole evening in front of the TV but Shaun T. tweeted today that he is going to watch it so I might just have to!  (I probably won't)


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