Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance

A year or two ago I bought the Perfect Pushup.  I have no idea why I bought it since I really don't care much about my pectorals.  I think Conan O'Brien mentioned them once and I thought they would change my life or something.  They would at least make my boobs look better.  Anyway, they arrived and I excitedly opened the box, watched the DVD and studied all the diagrams for the perfect form and movement.  I was ready!  No, I was not.  I think I managed to do a single push up.  I swallowed my pride and put my knees on the floor into the girl push up position (sorry for the sexism, I don't know what they are actually called).  I managed two do a few more but I was severely humbled.  I stuck with it, though, and after a few weeks I could do an entire set and was following the fitness plan and building up my reps.  While there was an improvement with my performance, there was not with my appearance and eventually I did them less and less until the Perfect Pushup ended up in the corner of my home office with all my other crap.  Cardio Power & Resistance really makes me regret not sticking with it.  Damn! the last circuit kicks my ass.  I think there was definitely an improvement over the last time I did it but that could be due to knowing that the triceps dips were coming up at the end up the first circuit and taking it a little easier with those this time.  All in all it was a good workout.

Last week I forgot to turn on my heart rate monitor for this workout.  Today was the inaugural workout of my brand spanking new monitor!  Using my Garmin's heart rate function wasn't cutting it.  The BPM number is tiny so I'd have to go into another room just to read it.  The strap is also made of hard rubber and not very comfortable.  It served it's purpose but I enjoy the Polar FT4 much better.  The strap is made of elastic and the heart rate number is big!  It calculated the calories burned at just shy of 600.  Using the old website to calculate gives me 635.  I like the latter more since it makes me more of a badassss but I'll stick with the HRM calculation going forward for consistency's sake.   I also purchased some sweat bands so I look like a total baws.  It did make the walking push ups easier since I wasn't slipping across the carpet from having sweaty paws.  The head band was totally drenched afterwards and I had to ring it out in the sink.  Aren't I awesome?

OKAY, tomorrow is the return of my favorite, Pure Cardio!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I've just started with Insanity (today is my third day). It is nice to know that you've been through the same hurdles I'm experiencing now, such as feeling like puking, not being able to complete the push ups and having some soreness. This program is indeed quite difficult and I hope I can keep up with it without any major problem!
