Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 25 - Cardio Recovery

I was going to do Cardio abs in addition to Cardio Recovery today but I am dealing with a sick dog and found myself short on time.  Therefore, I am sticking to the schedule and only did Cardio Recovery today and will do Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tomorrow.

I've made it known that I really don't like Cardio Recovery but it really wasn't that bad today.  I guess I am getting more out of it as I get stronger.  I still can't hold a lot of the holding poses for as long as Shaun would like but I hold them as long as I am able.  It's kind of a pity that I am finding this routine tolerable now that I won't have to do it again.  I'm not looking forward to its equivalent in month two!  Anyway, Cardio Recovery served it's purpose and my muscles all feel super relaxed right now.

I must go attend to my poor little doggie now.  The poor girl has an upset stomach and there isn't much I can do for her, which really sucks.

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