Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 17 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Boy, I tell you guys, seeing some results really gets the ball rolling.  Before I was sticking to Insanity out of pure stubbornness (which is the reason I stick to most things) but seeing some results really gives me some momentum in the motivation department.  My weight keeps dropping, my HRM strap was too loose today and I keep noticing new muscles popping up all over the place.  It's pretty encouraging knowing that I'm not even at the hard part yet.

The warm up hardly phased me for the first time since I started.  That may have made me a little cocky but Pure Cardio put me right back in my place.  I did do most of the push-ups during the level-2 drills!  Progress!  Cardio abs still needs some work and it would probably do me some good to separate the two workouts.  Maybe I'll try that next time if my schedule permits.  I think my abs were getting a nice workout during the c-sit phase of the workout but my quads and inner thighs started to get really fatigued.  That's the wrong area, body!  The plank phase was still pretty sad.  Really sad.  It's that part that I think would benefit most from separating the workouts.

Tomorrow is Thursday, so Cardio Recovery!  A nice short workout before the end of the world!

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