Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 5 - Pure Cardio

My muscles are feeling even better today.  They are still achy when I bend or reach in certain positions but this is the first day since the start that I wasn't moaning and groaning all day whenever I moved.  

After the Cardio Recovery yesterday I was ready to get back into an intense workout. I popped in the Pure Cardio DVD and....sat through the Team Beachbody ads.  Those are so irritating and why did they put them at the beginning of every DVD?  I almost forgot to hit "go" on my heart rate monitor again because of the distraction.

Things start out with one of the same warm ups that we are used to.  One of these days I'm going to post another heart rate chart so you can see just how intense these warm ups are.  I'm a sweaty Betty by the time we get to the stretches.  Once the warm up is complete Shaun T. lets us know that he is nervous to do this work out.  Great.  I think the actual work out is a little shorter than the other ones so far (not counting cardio recovery or the fit test) because it is set up a little different.  There is only one circuit and there are no breaks!  The circuit consists of 15 exercises, all for a minute a piece.  A lot of them we've come across before.  They are: suicide drills, switch kicks, wide football sprints, stance jacks, pedal, hooks and jump rope, power jacks, level 2 drills, frog jumps, power knees, mountain climbers, ski down, scissor runs (Shaun T. was so tired at this point that he forgot what they were called), suicide jumps, and the lovely push up jacks.  The stance jacks involve doing a squat with one arm down to the floor, coming up and then doing another squat with the other arm down.  For the pedal you sprint in place for a few counts, drop down to a lunge with one foot forward, then switch feet and start sprinting again.  Repeat for a minute.  The frog jump is like the globe jump, only you jump forward and back instead of left, back, right, forward.  I hate them just as much.

This was a very intense workout which helped the time go by quickly.  It was hard, but so far my favorite.  It was also fun watching the Insanity crew dropping like flies behind Shaun T., who was struggling himself.  At the end he plops down on the ground and exclaims, "That shit is bananas, yo!"  I also like watching Tania (I think) switch on her scary intense face whenever she realizes the camera is on her.  By the end her face just reads misery!

Total calories burned: 575.  I was expecting more but whatevs.  It's just a ball park.  It also means I have about 3 hours to consume 1250 more calories before bed.  I might write up a separate blog about how I've been handling the nutrition demands but I should wait until I start to see if I actually have some positive results first.

Tomorrow is the return of Plyometric Cardio Circuit!  I won't be able to have a write up of it tomorrow.  I'm going to a hockey game with some friends after work so the only time I'll have to get the workout in is before work.  That means 4:00 am.  Do you feel sorry for me?  I'll write up a week one recap in 2 days.

1 comment:

  1. "Do you feel sorry for me?" Ahahaha! Yes!!! now THAT is some dedication!!!! :D
