Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 9 - Pure Cardio

Um, does Shaun T. say, "Let's jack off!" before the first round of jumping jacks?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  I love pure cardio!  Love might be too strong of a word.  I despise pure cardio less that the other Insanity workouts I've done thus far! is more accurate.  I dig the intensity and it humanizes the Insanity crew since every one of them has to take a few breaks throughout.

Calories burned: 537 and I can really feel it in my abs today.  Speaking of abs, I thought I saw a tiny bit of definition in the lower abs that I don't remember seeing before.  It could be that I've been looking harder for some progress since that would be a motivation shot in the arm that I really could use.  Not that I'm close to quitting or anything.  Far from it, but seeing some results would really help push me to work even harder.

I have my girlfriend's corporate Xmas party to go to tomorrow after work so I'm going to have to do another early morning workout.  That's probably not enough recovery time but I am trying my hardest to stick with the schedule.

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit before the sun comes up. Ugh.

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