Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 27 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Well, that does it for month 1.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  It certainly feels like an accomplishment but at the same time I still have 5 weeks to go meaning I am not even halfway through yet.  I am pleased with the results so far but have gotten a bit impatient and want them to come faster!  I need to chill.

It is interesting how at this point some workouts feel great while others just feel good.  Today was a just good.  It seemed like I was only there for half of the second circuit but while I was collapsed on the floor trying to regain my arms and catch my breath I actually looked at the other people working out on the screen.  It seems that they take many more breaks that I realized and suffer almost as much as I do.  I think the camera changes try to hide it but if you look close, especially at the people in the back ground, you will see that they take nearly as many breaks as you do.  Anyway, I am burning less and less calories with each workout so I guess it is time to move on to month two.  Before that starts, we have a recovery week and WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.  I actually have no idea what that means.  I just wanted to write that.  It is the same workout for 6 days straight so I hope it's a good one!

It's going to be hard to maintain my discipline over the next few days.  I have three days off from work starting tomorrow.  Tonight I have a going away party at my favorite brewery and Monday is New Years Eve.  I just have to make sure to track the calories of each drink so I don't screw up too much of my hard work.

Tomorrow closes out the month with a rest day.

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