Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

I'm feeling much better today.  My abs and quadriceps are still pretty sore but they aren't as bad as they were for the past two days.  I thought my triceps would be in pain after the dips yesterday but they really aren't too bad.

Today was Cardio Recovery.  As Shaun T. says, its all about control, not cardio. You need some strength for control, which I don't have.  I knew from researching the workout ahead of time that this was going to be some yoga and pilates type moves.  I've tried yoga in the past but have always given up after a few days because my muscles were too weak to hold any poses and my right wrist was kind of screwed up from some drunken shenanigans in my college days.  My wrist hasn't been bothering me as of late and I was hoping that I might be a little stronger than the times I've tried in the past.  Nope!  It is still very hard for me to hold a lot of the poses for any amount of time and I'd be shaking like crazy while trying to hold them.  I gave it my all and will continue to do so when this workout is repeated (looks like every Thursday).  I am curious to see how much I will improve by the end of the month.

I remembered to turn on my heart rate monitor this time, but it doesn't really do much good for this type of workout.  I topped out at 149 bpm and my average was 113.  All the calorie calculators require at least 120 bpm.  When I plug in 120 it says I burned around 350 which is definitely high so I won't worry about calories burned today.  I did work up a nice sweat, though.

Back to the grind tomorrow with PURE CARDIO!!!!!!!!

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