Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 14 - Rest

Well, dudes, I've made it two weeks!  Only seven more to go...

I am going to take advantage of my rest day by doing very little.  I will probably watch the Seahawks game and then some TV.  I will be one with the couch!

It's nice that I'm starting to notice some changes because I was starting to feel a little discouraged and overwhelmed with the program over that past week.  The most noticeable change has been with my lower abs and chest.  I'm starting to get some definition and I think my boobs are shrinking.  I've also been sleeping much better and I've had more energy during the day.  It's hard to describe but my body movements are also different.  They are smoother, I guess.  Perhaps that is due to some core strengthening.  My weight is also dropping, slowly but surely.

Tomorrow is the second fit test.  I'm hoping it goes well.  It will be nice to have some actual numbers that show my improvement.  For now, the couch beckons!

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