Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 22 - Pure Cardio

Week 4 has begun!  It kind of had a crappy start.  Not from the workout.  It's Christmas Eve but somebody in the hospital has to work.  That someone is me this year and it was a doozy.  There is some horrible bug going around and my coworkers are dropping like flies so I was down a coworker today.  I thought it'd be cool, being Christmas Eve and all, but noooo, I think people were avoiding their families and in-laws by going to the doctor.  I was busy and very exhausted by the end.  The last thing I wanted to do was work out when I got home. I'm glad I did.  Breaking a sweat is a good way to come down from a shitty day.

I say it every time, but Pure Cardio is still my favorite and I'm able to do more and more of it each time.  The warm up was a breeze and I can finally do all of the stretches.  I noticed the biggest improvement with the Level-2 Drills.  I think I only had to step out and skip one rep so I still did most of the push-ups.  My max heart rate was 176 and the average was 143.  I'm too lazy to look back and see how that's changed but I do believe its lower which is a sign of my fitness improving.

Tomorrow! Christmas! Cardio Power & Resistance!  I doubt I'll have time for a write up but I'll try.

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