Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 18 - Cardio Recovery

These are my dogs:
Gruff and Sadie
They are pretty cool but can be a total pain in the ass during workouts.  They tend to walk directly beneath me when I'm mid jump or sit down behind me as I'm about to kick my legs back.  Today Gruff rolled a tennis ball underneath me in an attempt to kill me.  When they aren't endangering them or me they are shedding like mad.  When I come up from plank position with some sweaty hands, I will be wearing a glove of loose dog fur.  I still spoil them to death, though.

Lets change the subject!  Have I mentioned that I don't really care for the Cardio Recovery days?  The lack of intensity makes it a loooong 33 minutes.  Plus, I'm still a weakling so a lot of the poses are absolute misery.  I am getting better, though.  I noticed today that I am a lot more flexible.  One thing I need to work on is breathing.  I caught myself holding my breath during some of the poses. 

Lets change the subject again!  As I was changing for the workout I glanced in the mirror and did a double take because my abs looked very odd and misshapen.  A muscle!  30 years on this beautiful planet and I have just became the proud owner of an ab muscle.  I admired it in the mirror for a good 20 minutes.

If the Mayans were wrong, I'll be back tomorrow for some Cardio Power & Resistance!

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