Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 7 - Rest Day

One week down, 8 to go!

I know I said I wasn't going to have time to post anything yesterday but I found out the Blogger app makes it pretty easy, hence the picture of me drenched in sweat.  Good to know if I find myself short on time again.  The workout yesterday morning went okay.  I hate the Plyometric Cardio Circuit because my arms are still too weak to do most of the moves in the second part of the workout.  I did do better than my first attempt at it, though.  I forgot to turn on my heart rate monitor again (the damn ads at the begining of the DVD distract me) but I'm pretty sure I didn't have any heart attack level hearts rates this time.  Doing it in the morning was also pretty nice but I don't think I'll be able to get up at 3:45 on a regular basis.

Today, as with every seventh day, is the much deserved off day.  After the past six days it feels odd not to have to work out but I am going to try to enjoy it as best I can.  I am going to do a little shopping, watch the Seahawks game and then play some Borderlands 2.  This workout has really cut in to my Borderlands time!

Insanity has really changed my mindset about working out and eating healthier.  With running the main motivation for me is to get in good enough shape so I don't look like a dork at a race but with Insanity I am really motivated to get the most out of each workout.  That desire carries over in to eating as well.  I noticed last night while out with friends that I just couldn't imagine eating a huge hamburger and fries and drink copious amounts of beer.  Instead I limited myself to two beers and a grilled chicken burger with no sides and it didn't feel like I was shorting myself any caloric satisfaction.  This is what I WANTED to eat and that is a great feeling.  I hope it stays and isn't just a first week pink cloud.

We march ahead tomorrow with the return of Cardio Power and Resistance!

1 comment:

  1. I like your comment about changing how you thought about eating, and you WANTED to eat the chicken.
