Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 19 - Cardio Power and Resistance

Well, that wasn't my best effort.  Maybe it was.  It's hard to tell with this program.  As long as you are trying, the workouts are going to be tough.  I felt a little off today and I'm not sure why.  It may have been because today is my day off so I was up too late last night and I didn't eat as much today as I would on a normal day.  On most of my days off I will do my Insanity workout first thing after I get up but I decided to try something different today.  I thought that it might help to do the workout at the normal time in the day to give my breakfast and lunch some time to digest and also gives me most time to drink some water and get hydrated.  Good idea or not, I did not feel very strong during the workout.  My quads were the biggest problem.  They felt weak and were burning anytime I needed them.  On a positive note, I am able to do more and more push-ups with each workout.  I still suck at the triceps dip but I did manage to do 4 or 5 before I had to put but ass on the floor.  Seriously, how do the people on the video do a straight minute or those?  I think it's CGI.

I think tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  I used to say that one was my least favorite but now I think Cardio Power and Resistance is.  I'll try to be less negative tomorrow. (I went to Costco today to buy some food and Christmas presents and people were driving insanely slow on the way there.  Once I got there, the store was a total madhouse and there were screaming kids running around and people constantly in my way.  Ahhh!  I just about lost it.  I've been in kind of a shit mood ever since.)

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