Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 16 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I mentioned in my last post that today was another early workout for me.  It sure was!  I decided it'd be best to do today's workout in the morning because this afternoon was the annual meal that the hospital that employs me provides.  Its a free meal with a huge cut or prime rib, salmon, assorted salads and cheesecake. So good!  So unhealthy!  I figured that eating all that food would make working out pretty unpleasant so I worked out before I ate!

I still hate plyometric cardio circuit for the same reasons.  While I am improving, I just have so much trouble holding plank position for so long for the last three moves of the second circuit.  My arms are feeling stronger but I don't feel my abs have had enough chance to recovery lately and they feel very sore while in the plank position.  Not the good sore, either.

The old abs won't be healing up tomorrow when I do Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs!

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