Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

My inner Norwegian is exclaiming, "Uff da!" right now.  I woke up this morning incredibly sore.  Sore, like the most sore I've been in my entire life.  I think my quads, abs and lower back have it the worst.  I'm actually dreading getting up from my seat after I finish writing this.  I was a little worried that I'd be too sore to do the workout today but I took some ibuprofen, gathered my courage and went forth!

Day 2 is Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  They describe it as,"Burn fat with intervals of intense lower-body plyo and sweat inducing cardio." They aren't lying about it being it being sweat inducing!  I will definitely need to invest in some sweat bands for my wrists and noggin.

The workout started out with the same warm up that begins the fit test. This one was a little different than the fit test because we actually did the warm up circuit three times, getting faster and faster each round.  I usually think of warm up as light activity to get you ready for the big stuff but this was by no means light.  By the end of it my heart rate was over 180 bpm and I was sweating like a pig.  That is followed by some stretching.  This was nice because it gave my body a chance to rest a little and to catch my breath but I am too weak to hold some of the poses for very long.

After the warm up, the first circuit starts.  This consisted of suicide drillspower squatsmountain climbers, and ski downs.  I couldn't find a video of ski downs but you basically do a lung and then jump to the left, do another lunge and jump back to the right and repeat.  I actually was doing pretty well during this circuit but I do need to work on my pacing.  I accidentally hit 190 bpm at one point which is my max heart rate for my age.  This circuit is done three times.

The next circuit totally kicked my ass.  I think I am pretty much going to suck for any move that require the plank position until my arms get a little stronger.  First up was the Basketball.  For that one you do a lunge and then jump up and act like you are shooting a basketball.  Those were kind of fun.  Next are the Level-1 Drills.  I HATED these.  I did a couple reps before my arms totally gave out.  That is unfortunate because I needed them for the next two moves. Next was Ski Abs, followed by In & Out abs.  I can't really remember what the last one was.  I think I was resting more than I was actually working during this circuit. My arms were just totally dead and my hands were so sweaty that they kept sliding when I was in the plank position.

The next circuit was a little easier for me.  It consisted of punch the air a lot.  I still wasn't able to make it through all of this circuit either but I at least got through most of it.

This was tough.  Very, very tough.  However, I did feel better afterwards than I did after the fit test  According to my heart rate monitor I burned 700 calories.  Not bad!  I also learned that no matter how crappy and miserable I am during the workout, it is worth it for how great you feel when it is finished.  Other than the sore muscles.  I am not looking forward to getting out of bed and going to work in the morning...

Tune in tomorrow for Cardio Power and Resistance.  I don't like the sound of that!

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