Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 24 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Yesterday was Christmas.  My girlfriend got me a bottle of Scotch for a gift.  It is very good Scotch and I probably had one more drink than necessary so I wasn't really feeling like working out this morning.  Not that I had a raging hangover or anything, I was just a little sleepy and dehydrated.  The workout ended up being fine, though.  This one really gets my quads with all the squats and jumps.  My push-ups keep getting better.  I am curious how many I could do at once but I'm not going to try that until maybe after I'm finished with Insanity.

I'm going to keep only updating my weight during Fit Test days but I would like to report that it seems to be dropping very quickly lately.  Of course that could be from dehydration but each morning it seems to be lower.

Tomorrow is Cardio Recovery.  Not my favorite, but I think I could really use it.  I have been a little sore and beat down from the workouts and from busy days at work.  I think I'll also throwing in the Cardio Abs so I don't have to do it on Friday.

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