Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 20 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I think I'm doing a real number on my carpet with Insanity.  I keep ending up with pieces of it stuck in my beard and ending up in my mouth.  Maybe I'll have hardwood floors by day 63.

I've grown to not despise Plyometric Cardio Circuit quite as much.  The warm up isn't bad anymore.  I remember it being a workout itself but now it does what it's supposed to do and gets me ready for what's to come.  After the warm up and stretching, I was determined to get through the first rep of the first circuit without taking a break.  Success!  It wasn't easy and the following two reps had their share of little breaks throughout.  Especially with the ski downs.  My quads hate Shaun T. for those.  The second circuit is still pretty brutal but I am getting better each time.  I made it through all of the first rep of Level 1 drills without taking a break.  That's a lot of push-ups for me!  The ski abs and in and out abs are still too much for my puny arms to take but I do what I can.  I did notice that Shaun T. gives his arms a very small break on the "in" of in and out abs by shifting his weight onto his legs.  I started doing that. It helped a little.

The sun came out for a little while when I got off of work.  That is rare this time of year in the Pacific Northwest.  It really made me want to go for a run.  Insanity makes running seem like a light workout.  I'm looking forward to seeing the effect Insanity has on my running when I start up again.

Tomorrow is a rest day but I think I am going to break my rules and do Cardio Abs tomorrow since I won't be able to split that from Pure Cardio on Monday.  Adios!

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