Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 26 - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

I really want like 5 tacos and a beer and some nachos and some more beer.

Something is wrong.  Normally I'd be bitching about the workout but I've got no complaints about today.  I pushed pretty hard, did pretty well and feel great now.  The cool thing about doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs on the same day is that I get to eat more with the extra calories burned.  Booyah!  Five tacos, a beer and nachos is probably still out of the question, though.  Anyway, I did Cardio Abs before Pure Cardio because the latter pretty much uses every joule stored up in your body so I thought I'd get more out of Cardio Abs doing it first.  I think that was the right choice.  Of course I have no idea if it was Shaun T's intention for the workouts to be done back to back since there really are no instructions with Insanity (probably my main gripe with the program) but doing them in that fashion seemed to be fine and it prepares me for setting enough time aside for the longer workouts of month two.  Cardio Abs went much better than the first time.  I was able to do a majority of the moves with the exception of the last one.  It is hard to explain and seems a little obscene.  It involves doing some hip pulses in low plank and then high plank.  I have trouble with it because it is hard to hold plank for that long and I have no idea if I'm even doing the move correctly.  Pure Cardio went very well.  Most notably, I was able to do the entire Level-2 drills!  That's 32 push-ups among other things.

Dinner time!

Tomorrow is Plyometric cardio circuit, I think.  THE LAST WORKOUT OF MONTH ONE!

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